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Postby Q-dad » March 18th, 2011, 7:37 pm

Nneka - a female Nigerian/German artist. I'd never heard about her until a week or two ago, when I came across the Wingsuit Proximity Flying video (by Jokke Sommer) on YouTube, and which had a remix (by Chase and Status) of her song Heartbeat as soundtrack. The combination of the video and the soundtrack makes for a special feeling/experience. Try it out yourself, here...:

The original Heartbeat video here...:

Many of her other songs can be found on YouTube, here...:

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Re: Nneka

Postby Bullet Magnet » March 31st, 2011, 1:28 am

Q posting in our forums?

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Re: Nneka

Postby Q-dad » April 19th, 2011, 7:55 pm

Ahh, that's the only response I'm getting for the best music topic posted so far...? ;)
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Re: Nneka

Postby Pause » April 23rd, 2011, 9:18 am

Sorry... I'd apologize for bullet magnet, but sadly, i don't think we have that kind of time. Thanks for posting the bump, i was meaning to check it out but kept scrollin right past the forum. Not bad at all m8!
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Re: Nneka

Postby Bullet Magnet » April 23rd, 2011, 1:14 pm

Ya know... I sort of enjoyed it myself.
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Re: Nneka

Postby Zorro » April 23rd, 2011, 5:50 pm

My favorite part was the fact they're doing something I wanna do. :D
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Re: Nneka

Postby Q-dad » April 25th, 2011, 9:56 am

Zorro wrote:My favorite part was the fact they're doing something I wanna do. :D

Well, here he's at it again (from a Norwegian TV series about extreme sports, being aired during the last 2 months)...:

(in this clip they're speaking Norwegian, but what they're saying isn't very important, lol...)
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Re: Nneka

Postby NewBorn » April 25th, 2011, 6:22 pm

Q-dad wrote:
Zorro wrote:My favorite part was the fact they're doing something I wanna do. :D

Well, here he's at it again (from a Norwegian TV series about extreme sports, being aired during the last 2 months)...:

(in this clip they're speaking Norwegian, but what they're saying isn't very important, lol...)

Amazing :O
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