by BlackCat » April 2nd, 2014, 10:35 am
When registering somewhere, I've never run into the unmasking phenomenon yet. But from the way you're describing it, I don't like it.
Psychologically, when I'm typing my password somewhere, I never want to see it. It should be hidden. Having those little dots just affirms security to me; it gives me a sense of protection knowing that my data will cared for and respected. On top of that, I wouldn't want anyone over my shoulder or some dude with powerful binoculars looking in my window seeing it. My keystrokes, on the other hand, are less distinguishable.
I love typing my password twice. I can see how slow typers may prefer the unmask option because I have seen firsthand how frustrated some people can be when they goof. I don't care though because it takes me an extra 2-4 seconds. If I were you though, I would go with the confirm password option... Actually seeing my password on the screen freaks me out.
To have more confidence in your decision, whichever you decide, you should expose your poll to about 1,000 more people.