i have it
PR patch verson
Project Reality BF2.. v0.973
its loaded on my pc
and works whats next?
any other updates?
but cant see how to play it offine?
and installed PRmumble(0.5beta)do i need it?
and the PR-0973_vietnam_beta_setup.exe
current version Beta 1
PR vietnam updater-vo.1
i got this tryin to update ..Unable to connect to dowmload server..
...Alternative Downloads....
For those that have issues downloading the new Beta 2, we have set up several mirrors that provide a zip-file you have to extract manually.
4 diff update zip files what one do i use?
http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380...-released.htmli found the updater in the folder to start the updater
what zip file can i use?