So what's going on? It's all hitting at once, but the status quo has got to change.
* Opera is now my official default browser. I've got all my bookmarks and settings switched over. I'm at home now.
* Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE are just my secondary testing/development browsers.
* Yahoo is now my default search engine.
* I've disabled my Facebook account (I never used it anyways).
Internet Explorer > Netscape > Firefox > Opera
That's my history for my choices of a default browser. I've had Flock and Chrome on the sidelines since they've been released.
Why I Chose Opera
* Opera is on par with Firefox for W3C standards compliance.
* Firefox gets slower and more memory intensive with each release (Grooveshark is unusable on my Firefox setup).
* Firefox v4 beta does not have the performance improvements promised.
* Opera has a better interface.
* Opera is faster then Firefox in almost every aspect (Javascript as of v10.5 with the Carakan engine is said to be 100% faster than Firefox).
* I love the "closed tabs" trashcan.
* I did some testing, and Opera always used less memory than Chrome or Firefox when multiple tabs were open and I had my regular plugins installed.
I was also looking at Chrome or Safari as my new default browser (I've always used them for cross-browser testing). I've ultimately decided on Opera. There are many reasons for this, but a few noteworthy reasons are because I hate Safari's text rendering, and I simply don't trust Google when it comes to Chrome.
Why I'm Switching Search Engines
* This is an experiment.
Why I've Disabled My Facebook Account
* Because Facebook and Twitter are the most dangerous trends in our society. If you disagree, tough.