There is a little bit of Zorro in all of us. Not physically, but emotionally and mentally.
This is my ode to my bud Zorro:
Oh, Zorro. Oh, Zorro. Wherefore art thee?
For I sign on to Skype, and you have made yourself flee.
But, that's OK. I'll catch you on our site,
Or, maybe I'll see you tomorrow night.
You're strong and you're hardy,
Just ask Bullet Magnet.
Not that I would know,
Our physical relationship is quite stagnant.
Memories we've made and friendship we've shared,
Ever since the day DF2 made us paired.
To know love is to know BM and Zorro,
Their hearts are but one, just one, just solo.
This has all rhymed and sounds really smart,
Poetry is, after all, an art.
But this aint about me or my intelligent thrill,
It's about ol' Zorro, heading over the hill.
A sobering reminder or a day to celebrate?
That is the choice young Zorro must make.